Making the Invisible, Visible!
A story about fatherhood and accessing services by David Armstrong. To download the audio version of this story, visit: https://soundcloud.com/user-616990317/making-the-invisible-visible
A story about fatherhood and accessing services by David Armstrong. To download the audio version of this story, visit: https://soundcloud.com/user-616990317/making-the-invisible-visible
2020 Evaluation Brief on Evidence-based Parent Education program – Triple P – Positive Parenting Program funded by the CBCAP State Lead Agency.
2021 Evaluation brief on Evidence-based Parent Training program – Incredible Years, funded through the CBCAP State Lead Agency.
Evidence-based Home Visiting: Healthy Families America & Parents as Teachers
A story about the journey of a parent leader by Beth. To download the audio version of this story, visit https://soundcloud.com/user-616990317/parent-leadership-journey-beth
An illustrated story on fathers and parent engagement by Sam Blue. To download the audio version of this story, visit https://soundcloud.com/user-616990317/sam-blue-wagon-story
About father engagement by Sam Blue. To download the audio version of this story, visit https://soundcloud.com/user-616990317/sam-blue-wagon-story
In this issue: Focus on Family Homelessness Feeding Community: A Response to Food Insecurity Early Care and Education Horizons Mitigates the Trauma of Early-Childhood Homelessness
Inside This Issue: Looking under the Hood of Parent Education programs Why Evidence-based Fatherhood Programs are important for Dads PAC activities
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