Online Learning Center

What is the FRIENDS Online Learning Center?

The FRIENDS Online Learning Center (OLC) is a resource designed to meet the demands of providing high quality, subject-specific training free of charge for CBCAP State Lead Agencies and their grantees and others interested in prevention work.  The Online Learning Center is designed to offer accessible continuing education and professional development opportunities that are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Who can access the FRIENDS Online Learning Center?

The OLC is available to anyone that wishes to take the provided courses.  There are no restrictions on who can enroll.

What is the cost to access this training?

FRIENDS provides all courses are free to anyone who enrolls.

How do I access the FRIENDS Online Learning Center?

The FRIENDS National Center Online Learning Center is located at All our courses are available to you on the site which is designed to offer accessible continuing education and professional development, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

FRIENDS OLC Course Catalog

CB 101: Introduction to the Community-Based Child Abuse Prevention (CBCAP) Program

CB 101: Introduction to the Community-Based Child Abuse Prevention (CBCAP) Program provides an overview of the CBCAP program, the Formula Grant requirements and guidelines. It explores the various areas detailed in Title II of CAPTA for CBCAP such as the defined purposes, definitions, priorities, and evidence-based program recommendations.

To enroll in this course, click here

CB 102: Deeper Dive into Community-Based Child Abuse Prevention (CBCAP) for State Lead Agencies

CB 102: Deeper Dive into Community-Based Child Abuse Prevention (CBCAP) for State Lead Agencies provides an in-depth look at the various requirements for State Lead Agencies managing the CBCAP Formula Grant.  Areas of detail include the basis for the formula grant, report and application requirements, and training and technical assistance available from the FRIENDS National Center for CBCAP.

To enroll in this course, click here

Connecting for Meaningful Collaborations

Connecting for Meaningful Collaborations provides a five-module course, That helps prevention and child welfare professionals learn about the importance of collaborating and the common language and different terms that each uses. Participants also hear about successful examples in five states that effectively contributed to both Community-Based Child Abuse Prevention (CBCAP) programs and child welfare service goals.

  • The first module is an introduction to the course in which participants learn why collaboration between CBCAP State Lead Agencies (SLA), their funded child abuse prevention programs, and child welfare agencies is critical for helping children and families.
  • Module Two, Continuum of Services for Children and Families, provides information about each system – CBCAP and child welfare – and discusses the commonalities and differences between the two.
  • Module Three, Moving to a Common Language, focuses on the concepts and terms that CBCAP and child welfare programs have in common and how they are used within each system.
  • Challenges often experienced and areas that hold promise for collaboration are discussed in Module Four.
  • The fifth and final module, Collaborative Relationships in Action, highlights collaborative efforts between CBCAP SLA’s and their child welfare counterparts. Julie Collins with the Child Welfare League of America interviews staff in Michigan, North Carolina, South Carolina, Washington, and Wisconsin.

To enroll in this course, click here

Continuous Quality Improvement

For any program to provide the best possible services to children and families, Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) activities must be intentionally integrated into all aspects of service planning and delivery. This course will build on the participants’ previous knowledge of CQI and the steps already being taken towards creating a CQI agency environment. New knowledge will enable staff to identify the elements needed to develop and maintain CQI in family support and child abuse prevention programs.

The course is divided into manageable sections that cover aspects of CQI, including understanding participants’ needs and desires; standardized policies and procedures; data-driven decision making; creating a safe environment; and system-wide support.

To enroll in this course, click here

Creating Effective Parent-Practitioner Collaboration

Creating Effective Parent-Practitioner Collaboration was developed for CBCAP State Lead Agencies, practitioners, parents and others interested in working in partnership to develop effective family support and child abuse prevention programs. This training utilizes the protective factors framework and offers strategies for those seeking ways to identify, support and involve parent partners, build authentic relationships and work collaboratively on better outcomes for children, families and communities.

To enroll in this course, click here

Data 101

Data 101 answers the question: What data do I need to plan, implement, and evaluate Community-Based Child Abuse Prevention (CBCAP) Programs? It will also help program staff understand why prevention programs should collect data, how to identify the data they need, and some best-practices strategies for data collection.

At the end of these modules, learners will be able to:

  • Define how the word data is used in the Community-Based Child Abuse Prevention (CBCAP) community
  • Describe why it is important for CBCAP programs to collect data
  • Identify purposes for which data are used
  • Identify the specific data needed to understand program outcomes
  • Identify appropriate sources of data—including evaluation tools
  • Describe best practices in data collection

To enroll in this course, click here

Evidence-Based 101

Evidence-Based 101 is a three-module course pertaining to evidence-based practices, programs, and research. The first module introduces the concept of evidence-based practice and how it impacts daily work. Module 2 addresses needs assessments, how they are executed, and how their data can be analyzed and applied to program selection. This module also provides information on understanding an agency’s internal capacity to provide evidence-based or evidence-informed programs and practices as well as how that capacity impacts services. Components of effective practices, such as evaluation and identifying outcomes, are also discussed.

Researching evidence-based programs is addressed in Module 3. Course registrants will be able to explore resources that help with this task and identify key questions for comparing different programs. A workbook is included with the course to support learning.

To enroll in this course, click here

Logic Models

Logic Models is a four-module course takes learners through the process of developing a logic model for their prevention program or service. Whether a CBCAP agency is thinking about implementing a new program, developing an evaluation plan for prevention programs, or improving services by engaging in the continuous quality improvement (CQI) process, the logic model is a great visual map of the link between the services a program provides and the outcomes the program hopes to achieve.

To enroll in this course, click here

Maximizing Fiscal Resources

Maximizing Fiscal Resources was developed specifically for the state lead agency designated to receive funding from the Community-Based Child Abuse Prevention (CBCAP) program.  The course provides an overview on how to leverage funds for CBCAP programs and offers guidance on creative funding approaches such as leveraged, braided, blended and pooled funding.

The course explores key elements of successful funding strategies, including relationship building, knowledge of funding sources, and creative thinking. It also reviews important strategies for increasing state and private resources.  Interactive tools will be utilized to describe how financing strategies can help maximize limited resources.

To enroll in this course, click here

My Money Today and Tomorrow: Financial Decision Making for Practitioners and Parents

My Money Today and Tomorrow: Financial Decision Making for Practitioners and Parents identifies essential information and skills for building financial stability when working with parents, youth, and families. The course addresses the question, “Why work with families to build financial stability?” Course objectives focus on understanding the relationship between financial stability and child maltreatment prevention, understanding the parent’s role as a provider, available resources, and strategies for ways to connect families to resources in communities.

This course is appropriate for family support workers, caseworkers, home visitors, and other practitioners working with families in preventing child neglect. It will offer suggestions to help build knowledge and skills for making good financial decisions and reducing financial stress.  A financial self-assessment is included that focuses on six strategies for helping individuals and families become more financially stable. A companion workbook and handouts are included.

To enroll in this course, click here

Protective Factors: Promoting Healthy Families

A good introduction, Protective Factors: Strengthening Families, Preventing Child Abuse and Neglect includes an overview of family protective factors, details strategies for promoting family wellbeing, and considers community conditions that promote family strength. This course can serve as an introduction to someone new to protective factors, or a review for the more seasoned practitioner looking to explore more recent developments regarding this important sphere of work.

To enroll in this course, click here

Qualitative Data in Program Evaluation

Qualitative Data in Program Evaluation strives to show the strength that qualitative data can bring to an overall evaluation design.  Qualitative data in research cannot be dismissed as “just collecting anecdotes”. It is far more.  By intentionally and thoughtfully using qualitative evaluation methods, one can understand why certain results were achieved or not achieved, explain unexpected outcomes and inform decisions about modifications to service provision.

To enroll in this course, click here

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