2023 CBCAP Grantee Meeting

2023 CBCAP Annual Grantee Meeting

The CBCAP Annual Grantee Meeting for 2023 was held in person on May 23-24, 2023 in Baltimore, Maryland. It was exciting to be back together with the opportunity to learn, share, and interact. Click below to view the various materials, handouts, and other media associated with the sessions from the meeting. If you have any questions, please reach out to your TA Coordinator.

The various materials, handouts, and slide presentations are compiled below by session.  Click the + to view what is available for each one. You can also download the Participant List or view the CBCAP Around the US video that was shared during the meeting.

Opening Plenary: The Well-Being of LGBTQ+ Youth in Child Welfare

Welcome and Introductions

  • Julie Fliss and Emily Fisher, Children’s Bureau/Office on Child Abuse and Neglect (OCAN)
  • Valerie Spiva-Collins, FRIENDS National Center for CBCAP

Children’s Bureau Welcome Slides

Valerie Spiva-Collins Welcome Slides

Plenary Session: The Well-Being of LGBTQ+ Youth in Child Welfare

LGBTQ+ youth are overrepresented in child welfare systems and often misunderstood, and their needs are not met. We are inviting you to come discover the galaxies of identities, looking beyond the binary. This session will also cover the needs, and well-being of LGBTQ+ youth in child welfare and introduce you to the Youth Acceptance Project which is a successful intervention working with the parents and families who struggle to accept their LGBTQ+ children and youth.

  • Vida Khavar, Project Director, Youth Acceptance Program and getREAL California

Khavar slides

Breakout: Strategies to Support Diversifying CBCAP Funding Recipients

Join this interactive session to learn more about how to build capacity to support diverse grantees with successful applications for CBCAP funding in your state. Learn how CBCAP Leads have developed, offered, and implemented grant opportunities for smaller, unique, and hard to reach programs. In addition, hear how one state created a workshop on the contract process to provide support to potential grantees.

  • Yaraseth Anaya-Lugo, Nevada
  • Marion Eckersley, Utah
  • Karsten Hartman, Georgia

Session Slides

Breakout: The Protective Factors Survey and Its Multiple Versions: Going Beyond Subscale Scores to Measure Impact

The Protective Factors Survey, 2nd Edition (PFS-2) is a validated tool measuring multiple family protective factors in a single instrument designed specifically for use with family support and prevention programs. In this presentation, Jessica will provide an overview of the PFS-2, including information on using both pre-post and retrospective versions. She will also discuss the field testing of the Spanish translation of the PFS-2 and the recently developed Protective Factors Survey-Military Families (PFS-MF). We will have a group discussion on how states are using the PFS in evaluation and program improvement, answer questions, and strategize on addressing barriers grantees may be facing in collecting, analyzing, interpreting, and/or applying their PFS data. Finally, Stef will present on how the Kansas CBCAP evaluation uses PFS-2 data in combination with Ripple Effects Mapping to engage CBCAP service providers in examining their own efforts.

  • Jessica Sprague-Jones, KU CPPR
  • Stef Sloan, KU CPPR

Session Slides

Discussion: Exploring the Stigma Around Seeking Prevention Services: How Language and Perception Play a Role
Breakout: Exemplary Practices: Thinking Outside of the Box to Provide Supports to Families

Each year, FRIENDS, in collaboration with the Children’s Bureau, highlights programs and practices reported by state lead agencies in their annual CBCAP reports that exhibit innovative approaches to implement prevention services across the nation. Two of the categories of exemplary practices selected for this year are economic and concrete supports and parent support programs.
Join presenters from New Hampshire, Ohio, and Oregon to learn how they have developed unique programs in efforts to promote child and family well-being through upstream prevention activities in their states. Hear specific examples of programs for families that offer financial assistance, address homelessness, and provide supports for fathers.

  • Becky Berk, New Hampshire
  • Nicole Sillaman, Ohio
  • Tina Gorin, Oregon

Session Slides

Annual Summary of State Exemplary Practices

Breakout: Exploring CBCAP Partnerships Between Tribal and Migrant Serving Programs and States

Is your state, tribal, or migrant program interested in partnering with your fellow CBCAP serving programs? Join this informative session that will provide an array of strategies to build partnerships using CBCAP funds. Don’t miss this opportunity to hear about developing thoughtful outreach, planning culturally responsive programming, sharing capacity building resources and the involvement of one of the migrant CBCAP grantees in the Prevention Mindset Institute.

  • Tené Marion, Arizona
  • Roger Sherman, Idaho
  • Ashley Schlichenmayer-Okroi, South Dakota
  • Juan Ramirez, Yakima Valley Farm Workers Clinic

Session Slides


CBCAP Leads who are new to their role have the option of participating in this in-person orientation to CBCAP, providing participants with the opportunity to learn more about their role and resources to get better acclimated to their position. The session will include a review of the 2023 New State Lead Manual and an introduction to the Federal Project Officers, FRIENDS TA staff, and FRIENDS Parent Advisory Council.

  • Julie Fliss, Children’s Bureau
  • MaryJo Alimena Caruso, FRIENDS
  • Joanne Hodgeman, FRIENDS PAC
  • Paula Bibbs-Samuels, FRIENDS PAC 

Session Slides

Understanding the FRIENDS Annual Needs Assessment

This session will explain the who, what, and why of the FRIENDS’ Annual Needs Assessment, while reviewing the results of the 2022 Needs Assessment. In addition, attendees will hear how FRIENDS responded to this feedback throughout the year and participate in a preview of the 2023 Needs Assessment. 

  • Sarah Connelly, University of Oklahoma

Session Slides

Discussion: Tipping Systems Change: Primary and Secondary Prevention to Transform Child Welfare
  • Alex Morales, Consultant

Decision Tree/Response Guide from New Hampshire– not currently available

Wisconsin Five for Families campaign, https://fiveforfamilies.org/

Minnesota – Help Me Connect https://helpmeconnect.web.health.state.mn.us/HelpMeConnect

Illinois emergency cash assistance https://dcfs.illinois.gov/content/dam/soi/en/web/dcfs/documents/loving-homes/preserving-families/documents/normanservices.2.0.pdf

Kentucky also provides concrete support through flexible funds to families in family preservation program.

Demographics of those reporting to child protection/welfare hotlines, from the University of New Hampshire report in 2015, see page 4 Box B characteristics of those responding to survey (not exactly what you asked for…)  https://www.unh.edu/ccrc/sites/default/files/media/2022-03/factors-that-influence-child-abuse-reporting-a-survey-of-child-serving-professionals.pdf 

Casey Family Programs hotline data report may be helpful.  https://www.casey.org/hotline-data/

 US Surgeon General Loneliness Study (connect to Protective Factors prevention work) announcement https://www.hhs.gov/about/news/2023/05/03/new-surgeon-general-advisory-raises-alarm-about-devastating-impact-epidemic-loneliness-isolation-united-states.html and the report, https://www.hhs.gov/sites/default/files/surgeon-general-social-connection-advisory.pdf

Breakout: Tools and Resources to Reinvigorate Anti-Racism Work

What do diversity, equity, and inclusion practices have to do with the weather? Is it possible to assess equity in organizations? And how do we reinvigorate staff who have grown tired of transformation? Ms. Cardoza will lead participants through a climate exercise, share assessment tools, and talk about re-energizing those who have grown weary.

  • Nicole Cardoza, Founder Reclamation Ventures and the newsletter, Anti-Racism Daily

Session Slides

Breakout: Building the Table Together: The Importance of Strengthening Parent and Practitioner Relationships

Parent partners have a vital voice that should be included in any efforts to develop primary prevention focused systems. Authentic and intentional engagement involves inviting parents to participate in planning efforts from the very beginning to understand what families need to thrive, and then collaborating to co-create a continuum of supports together. Join this facilitated conversation with FRIENDS PAC members and state leads from Alabama, Arizona and Montana as they share their experiences developing and strengthening parent and practitioner relationships in their states. Gain insights and hear examples about the mutually beneficial relationships between parents and practitioners, the importance of valuing parents’ time and intellectual property, the power of having diverse parent voices that represent the demographics of the community at the table, and the impact of true parent engagement.

  • Vadonna Williams, Alabama Parent and FRIENDS PAC
  • Bailey Waller, Alabama
  • Heather Stenson, Montana Parent and FRIENDS PAC
  • Josh Kendrick, Montana
  • Melissa Zimmerman, Arizona Parent and FRIENDS PAC
  • Tené Marion, Arizona

This session did not include slides or other materials.

Closing Plenary: Creating Solutions that Transform Today and Reimagine Tomorrow

Creating Solutions That Transform Today and Reimagine Tomorrow

Using science fiction, reimagination, and suspending disbelief to take anti-racism work from efficiency to liberatory thinking. 

  • Nicole Cardoza, Founder Reclamation Venters and the newsletter, Anti-Racism Daily

Creating Solutions that Transform Today and Reimagine Tomorrow Slides 

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