2025 CBCAP Grantee Meeting
2025 CBCAP Annual Grantee Meeting
The CBCAP Annual Grantee Meeting for 2025 will be held on March 31, 2025 in Rockville, MD. The agenda and other materials will be shared here soon.
To register for the 2025 Grantees Meeting and the 2025 National Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect (NCCAN), visit here. The CBCAP registration is a part of the larger NCCAN registration and should be completed even if you are not staying for the larger conference. The conference hotel is Bethesda North Marriott Hotel and Conference Center and rooms can be booked by visiting the room block link.

The various materials, handouts, and slide presentations will be compiled below by session. Check back after the meeting to download those various resources.
Orientation session for new leads and others who would like a review.
- Julie Fliss and Emily Fisher, Children’s Bureau
- MaryJo Caruso and Carolyn Abdullah, FRIENDS National Center for CBCAP
- Paula Bibbs-Samuels and Matthew Porter, Parent Advisory Council members
Welcome and Federal Greeting
- Julie Fliss, Children’s Bureau/Office on Child Abuse and Neglect (OCAN)
- Valerie Spiva-Collins, FRIENDS National Center for CBCAP
Valerie Spiva-CollinsWelcome Slides
Plenary Session: Using Stories to Inform, Educate, and Stimulate Action
In this opening plenary, the audience will hear Ms. Fernandez’s own compelling story, beginning life in abject poverty and using her experiences to help others. Learn how storytelling can be used to build relationships and develop stronger alliances with collaborators and partners. She will share the key elements of writing and sharing stories so you can share your own, including stories about the power of prevention.
- Elayna Fernandez, Founder of The Positive Mom, Author, and Consultant
This workshop will delve deeper into using storytelling in your work. Participants will have the opportunity to write a brief story, following the clear steps provided in the opening plenary. How do we use stories to inform, educate, and garner support?
- Elayna Fernandez, Founder of The Positive Mom, Author, and Consultant
Is your state interested in learning how to diversify their CBCAP funding streams for programming? Join this informative session and hear how some states and local programs are diversifying their funding streams for their family strengthening programming and supports. Hear innovative strategies from a Tribal and Migrant Grantee in Iowa and CBCAP programs in Missouri and Nebraska.
- Nikki Hartwig (IA)
- Dr. James Anderst (MO)
- Mary Pinker (NE)
Join us to learn about creative strategies that are in place to support three very special populations – fathers building their capacity through comprehensive support services in a Texas housing community, families in Washington seeking legal advocacy and guidance in a prevention capacity, and incarcerated parents in New Hampshire seeking stronger connections with their children through parent resources and support.
- Taila AyAy (WA)
- Jennifer Justice (WA)
- Jenni Olmstead (WA)
- Kiounis Williams (TX)
- Tiffani Arsenault (NH)
- Liz Scruton (NH)
Spoken word artists use their voice as a medium for artistic expression. Ariana Brown will share her artistry with us to end day one, addressing issues that impact her life and that speak to her heart.
- Ariana Brown, Spoken Word Artist, Poet, Author, Teacher
My Prevention Moment is a pilot effort between FRIENDS and Memory Fox that supports a qualitative approach to storytelling, collection, and sharing. In preparation for the 2024 Grantees Meeting, FRIENDS in collaboration with CBCAP State Leads and Tribal/Migrant grantees, utilized this platform to collect images and video clips highlighting the impact of prevention work. Join us as we share a video produced from your submissions showcasing CBCAP Activities around the US and learn how this digital platform can be used for storytelling to share messages of child abuse prevention and family strengthening in your state.
- MaryJo Alimena Caruso, FRIENDS
- Edi Winkle, FRIENDS
Parent leadership and partnership are vital to the work of primary prevention efforts. This presentation highlights three states who will share their strategies and activities for engaging parents in diverse leadership roles beyond Parent Advisory Councils.
- Sara Serelson (WY)
- Nicole Sillaman (OH)
- Leesa Nelson (SC)
The research tells us that the strength or weakness of the parent-child bond and the quality of social support systems can play a significant role in helping children be resilient. Come learn about prevention programs aimed at helping to strengthen the bond of the parent and child even during incarceration.
- Jennifer Wilder (CT)
- Bailey Waller (AL)
- Shannon Luper (OK)
In this session, attendees will learn about how the Kansas CBCAP evaluation uses innovative qualitative methods, including Ripple Effects Mapping (REM) and narrative-based methods, to engage families and CBCAP service providers in examining program impact. These methods are part of a participatory action approach that engages providers, program recipients, and key community partners utilizing mind mapping approaches that promote reflection, curiosity, and innovation and yield a more nuanced understanding of the impact. We will also present other possible qualitative methods for evaluating CBCAP programs. We will have a group discussion on qualitative methods to measure impact and quality improvement, answer questions, and strategize ways to include qualitative methods into CBCAP evaluations.
- Meghan Cizek (KS)
- Jessica Sprague-Jones (WI)
Communicating about complex social issues like child abuse prevention can be challenging for many reasons, among them that when it comes to prevention, you are talking about something that (hopefully) doesn’t happen. In addition, public thinking is constantly evolving, especially in these unprecedented times of social change, which can shape how messages are heard, understood, and acted upon. Against this backdrop, the FrameWorks Institute brings a multi-method, multidisciplinary approach to help a field thoughtfully mobilize knowledge and come together in one voice to more effectively garner support for transforming the systems that help our communities thrive.
This session will begin with insights from FrameWorks’ ongoing Culture Change research into mindsets and long-term culture change which illuminate communications obstacles and opportunities. It will then move to practical strategies and evidence-based tools, and recommendations for framing conversations to broaden understanding, invite engagement, and catalyze innovation and change. It will end with some hands-on application and an opportunity to experience putting these tools into practice, enabling participants to experience firsthand the coherence and alignment which can result from focus on communicating the why, what, and how of your collective work.
- Dr. Anna Marie Trester, Senior Associate, Frameworks Institute