Your Best Source for Information
and Resources
in Primary Child Abuse Prevention
What We Do
FRIENDS is an acronym for Family Resource Information, Education, and Network Development Service.
We provide Targeted Technical Assistance and Training to the Community-Based Child Abuse Prevention (CBCAP) Community. We also strive to provide high-quality information to the general child abuse prevention community.
We build capacity in the full array of CBCAP program requirements including:
Useful Tools and Resources
Crosswalk of Evidence-Based Practice
A resource for understanding program evidence levels in prevention
Protective Factors Survey
Download the tool and supporting resources.
Media Library
Search and filter videos, podcasts, webinars, newsletters, and print resources.
Featured Story
Unstoppable Animated Version
View this illustrated story about resilience and empowering other parents by Eileen Graham. This video is a part of Sharing the Journey: Voices from the Field, a collection of stories from parents.

FRIENDS National Parent Leadership Month Resources
The month of February has been designated as National Parent Leadership Month™(NPLM). We know that parents are essential to the work of family strengthening and child abuse prevention and should be celebrated for their contributions not only in February but all year long.
FRIENDS offers free NPLM resources including customizable National Parent Leadership Month Certificates and Parent Appreciation Postcards.

Online Learning Center
High quality subject specific training free of charge for CBCAP State Lead Agencies and direct service providers.