Spanish Protective Factors Survey 2 Concrete Supports
Copy of the SPFS-2 concrete supports survey
Copy of the SPFS-2 concrete supports survey
Copy of the SPFS-2 Survey retrospective version.
A copy of the SPFS-2 traditional tool
In this issue: Parents That Help Build the Table Ways that Parent, Caregiver, and Youth Voices are Influencing Federal Programs The Importance of Partnering with
In this issue: Improving Outcomes for Children and Families Experiencing Domestic Violence New Jersey Men of Courage Community Action Initiative I’ve Come A Long Way
In This Issue: Understanding Adverse Community Experiences and Community Trauma: Building Resilience at the Community-Level Mindfulness Taught Me How to Get My Life Back ACEs
Un ejemplo de cómo apoyar y desarrollar el liderazgo de los padres líderes.
Una variedad de postales que se pueden utilizar para agradecer a los padres por su contribución a los servicios y actividades.
Un certificado de reconocimiento que se puede personalizar y que puede descargar y completar para los padres líderes que está reconociendo.
Un certificado de reconocimiento que se puede personalizar y que puede descargar y completar para los padres líderes que está reconociendo.
An example of how to nurture and develop parent leaders. Available in English and Spanish.
A variety of postcards which can be used to thank parents for their contribution to services and activities. Available in English and Spanish.
National Parent Leadership Month Certificate – Purple A customizable award that you can download and fill in for the parent leaders you are recognizing. Available
A customizable award that you can download and fill in for the parent leaders you are recognizing. Available in English and Spanish.
In this issue: The Impact of COVID on Children’s Mental Health There is Hope Through Trying Times Finding the Helpers The Shortcomings of Standardized Tests
In this issue: Radical Strategies for Creating Parent Partnerships Radical Family Engagement Ronee: A Native American Woman’s Story From a Clueless New Father to a
Una historia sobre la importancia de un padre como factor de protección.
In this issue: Undercover Broccoli: Harnessing Summer’s Magic Wellness and Resilience for Youth in Our Digital World Let’s Talk About Dad’s Mental Health Big Tiny
The user manual for the S-PFS translated into Spanish. El manual de instrucciones del S-PFS se tradujo al español.
Una guía para trabajar eficazmente con los padres para construir roles significativos y programas de liderazgo de los padres, escritos en español.
The Spanish adaptation of the original Protective Factors Survey.
Una historia sobre los hijos en español de Fátima. Para descargar la versión en audio de esta historia, visite
Abogando por mi hijo como madre en español por Fátima. Para descargar la versión en audio de esta historia, visite
Una historia sobre la importancia de un padre como factor de protección. Para descargar la versión en audio de esta historia, visite:
In this issue: Focus on Family Homelessness Feeding Community: A Response to Food Insecurity Early Care and Education Horizons Mitigates the Trauma of Early-Childhood Homelessness
Inside This Issue: Dads and Child Safety Supporting Communities Through Darkness to Light Safe Baby Courts Use Collaborative Approach to Ensure Child Safety Speaking Honestly
Inside this issue: Stigma-Free Support for Pregnant Moms Using Opioids Seeking Solutions to the Opioid Crisis Through Community Forums Initiative Offers HOPE to those Impacted
Inside this Issue: YMCA Evening Center We Can’t Do It Alone Agencies Working to Ensure Community Safety Act Walking Thru Bullets Recognizing Parent Leaders Safe
Inside This Issue: Domestic Violence and Safety Planning Domestic Violence Affects Everyone October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month
Inside this Issue: Teen Growth and Development Utilizing Primary Prevention Strategies Twice the Opportunity What is New and Coming Soon In the Spotlight CAP Month
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