Maximizing Resources

What is meant by the term Maximizing Resources?

Maximizing resources is broadly defined as increasing or optimizing resources for a program or initiative.

  • Blending Funding – Blended funds (pooled funds) involve combining funds from several sources into a single pool from which allocations and disbursements are made.
  • Braiding Funding – Braided funds may also come from a variety of sources, but the funds are tracked both collectively and individually.
  • Leveraging Funding – Leveraged funding is a mechanism for using a few key dollars to generate larger amounts of capital and, in most instances, creating partnerships that are beneficial to all parties involved and that advance the program’s goals. CBCAP uses a leveraged funding formula to determine 30% of the total funding available to the states.

What should my program consider when examining potential partnerships to maximize funding?

Partnerships are an important part of the process of leveraging, braiding, or blending funds. There are important considerations for CBCAP State Lead Agencies seeking to build partnerships. It is useful to identify how each system in your state currently supports prevention strategies and the various state resources that fund prevention programs and activities.

FRIENDS has developed some tools to help support agencies in this exploration. These tools are:

Where can I find more information on Maximizing Resources?

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