National Parent Leadership Month Resources
Communities across the country honor and celebrate parents throughout the month of February, which has been designated National Parent Leadership MonthSM (NPLM). National Parent Leadership Month was initiated by Parents Anonymous® as an opportunity to show appreciation for parents who work to improve the lives of their families, neighbors, and communities. Parents do this work by lending their voice to local, state, and national initiatives and partnering with the staff of programs in which they participate. Parents are a vital resource in family strengthening and child abuse prevention efforts, and acknowledging their wisdom and contributions is essential not only in February but all year. There are many ways to show appreciation for Parent Leaders.
The following resources are free to customize or create your own. The National Parent Leadership Month Certificate can be downloaded and filled in with your customized words of recognition for each individual parent.
National Parent Leadership Month Downloadable Resources

National Parent Leadership Month Certificate - Gold
A customizable award that you can download and fill in for the parent leaders you are recognizing.

National Parent Leadership Month Certificate - Purple
A customizable award that you can download and fill in for the parent leaders you are recognizing.

Parent Appreciation Postcard
A variety of postcards which can be used to thank parents for their contribution to services and activities.

Recipe for Growth
An example of how to nurture and develop parent leaders.