Tribal and Migrant Grantees

The purpose of this grant is to provide financial support to selected Tribes, Tribal organizations, and migrant programs for child abuse prevention programs and activities that are consistent with the goals outlined by Title II of the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA). This legislation specifies that one percent of the available funding from Title II will be reserved to fund Tribes, Tribal organizations, and migrant programs. The goal of the programs and activities supported by these funds is to prevent child abuse and neglect within tribal and migrant populations. The funds must support more effective and comprehensive child abuse prevention activities and family support services that will enhance the lives and ensure the safety and well-being of migrant and Native American children and their families. Some examples of programs that may be funded include, but are not limited to, voluntary home visiting, respite care, parenting education, mutual support, family resource centers, domestic violence services, and other family support services. Applicants were strongly encouraged to implement and adapt evidence-based and evidence-informed programs and practices that reflect the unique cultural characteristics and needs of their communities. The funds must also be used to support an evaluation of the programs and services funded by the grant. Finally, programs funded should develop stronger linkages with the Community-Based Child Abuse Prevention Program (CBCAP) State Lead Agency funded under Title II of CAPTA.

These grantees have developed unique approaches to address child abuse and neglect prevention in their communities. Each grantee has chosen a different evaluation approach, but they all share similar program outcomes. Some of these outcomes include increased knowledge of parenting skills, access to support services within the community, implementation fidelity, cultural competence, parental empowerment and development, and improvements in children’s behaviors in response to positive parenting. Dissemination efforts include a focus at the community, state, and national levels, providing information directly to service agencies and researchers through conference and workshop presentations. FRIENDS provides Training and TA to the Tribal and Migrant Grantees. For more information, please contact Magdalena Benitez ( or Samantha Florey (
On October 1, 2021, ACF funded three projects for five years that include:


Location: Anchorage, AK
Contact: Deborah Northburg
(907) 793-3134

The Cook Inlet Tribal Council, Inc. (CITC) proposes Parents’ Journey – Community Strengths Enhancement (PJ-CSE) to build on CITC’s fourteen-year history of parenting skill development, rooted in a suite of culturally reflective services for full spectrum child and family wellbeing. Building on these current parenting skills group classes will expand the didactic learning already provided to include community-based family activities and cultural mentor peer supports, in an approach anticipated to engage families in building their safe parenting skills prior to child welfare system involvement. This program enhancement leverages and adds to CITC’s already robust offerings of affirming, strengths-based supports, addressing the needs of Alaska Native and American Indian families in one of the country’s largest urban Indigenous populations.


Location: Peoria, OK
Contact: Ashley Lebonte
(918) 540-2535 x9242

Peoria Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma (PTIO) plans to reshape child welfare in its Native American and local communities by creating a rich support network for parents and family units, giving parents the skill sets and knowledge to have a happy, healthy, and thriving family. Through the Peoria Advantage program, the PTIO will mobilize the community around parents and caregivers to build a layer of protection around Native American families by using the Brazelton Touchpoint’s parenting curriculum. Utilizing cultural knowledge, teachings, and cultural practices, the Tribe will teach Native Americans how to turn to historically crucial cultural knowledge and relevant ways to improve family connections within the home and the community. Throughout this prevention program, the PTIO will continuously provide culturally appropriate educational training to front-line workers and families to increase the knowledge base of cultural family practices that prevent child abuse and neglect.


Location: Toppenish, WA
Contact: Ernesto Mendoza
(509) 225-3388 ext. 3681

Yakima Valley Farm Workers Clinic will expand its Spanish-language Parenting Education program and classes using the Los Niños Bien Educados curriculum to low-income, Spanish-speaking migrant families in Benton and Franklin counties. These three counties contain (44.7%) of the Migrant/Seasonal Agricultural Workers (MSAW) in the state.  The parenting education curriculum is culturally specific to meet the needs of Spanish-speaking migrant families. The in-person program provides high-quality, developmentally appropriate childcare during class sessions to reduce parents’ attendance barriers. Online programs expand access to parenting education classes to reach additional low-income migrant parents and lead to improved outcomes for at-risk families. The Spanish-language parenting education program objectives are to improve family communication; increase the use of nonpunitive discipline and positive guidance skills; improve mutual support and access to support services in the community; improve protective factors; and improve child development measures.  Programmatic goals include increasing family and community protective factors and resilience and demonstrating the benefits of collaboration among child abuse and neglect prevention programming, major early learning programming, and youth delinquency and gang prevention programming. 

On October 1, 2021, ACF funded five projects for three years that include:


Location: Marshalltown, IA
Contact: Jasmin Banderas
(641) 752-1730

Child Abuse Prevention Services, Inc. through its Strong Foundations program will continue to support migrant families in Marshall County, Iowa, to build protective factors that will aid in their child abuse prevention work. This work will include the development and implementation of an effective, culturally sensitive, and comprehensive family support program. The Strong Foundations expansion will continue to use the evidence-based Parents as Teachers (PAT) program, the Community Health Worker Outreach and Engagement Program Model, and Circle of Security® Parenting™ (COS-P) to provide family support, increase knowledge of parenting and child development, and assist families in accessing community supports. New program components will include monthly group education sessions, access to a technology resource center and resource materials to help families better understand child growth and development throughout adolescence. Program services will be provided in English, Spanish, Burmese, Karenni, and Karen (previously only provided in English and Spanish). Community education and awareness activities will be provided to families to increase understanding, appreciation, and knowledge of the diverse population of Marshall County, Iowa.


Location: Kickapoo, KS
Contact: Misty Doxtator
(785) 486-2131

The Kickapoo Tribe in Kansas will continue its Kickapoo Community-Based Child Abuse Prevention Program (KCBCAPP) to help Kickapoo children, adults, and elders leverage their culture and traditions, in collaboration with key partnerships, to build meaningful, sustainable systems that promote holistic family and child wellness. The KCBAPP focus its strategies across three main goals: 1) community-based, culturally relevant early childhood and family support strategies, such as home visiting and parent education; 2) centering Kickapoo culture, history, and language as key protective factors in early childhood and family programs; and 3) fostering sustainable contributions to the local, state, and national knowledge base of indigenous approaches to preventing child abuse and family supports.


Location: Anchorage, AK
Contact: Duncan Talomé
(907) 562-4155

The Chugachmiut will use a Strengthening Families approach in the prevention of child abuse in four Tribal communities in Tatitlek, Nanwalek, Chenega, and Port Graham in Alaska. Program services will include culturally affirming parent education using the Positive Indian Parenting curriculum. In addition, Chugachmiut staff will promote and provide Circles of Care that will support and provide coaching sessions to parents and caregivers. Educational campaigns will include coordinating with the local community to develop child abuse prevention awareness activities through local events such as art shows, food festivals, movies, and sports. A strong emphasis on the importance of culture and traditional Native ways will be reinforced throughout the campaigns and activities.


Location: Arizona
Contact: Terry Ross
(928) 961-4424

The San Carlos Apache Tribe’s Tribal Social Services Department will work to enhance the health and safety of children and youth at risk of involvement with Child Protective Services (CPS) by launching the Child Abuse and Maltreatment Prevention Program (ChAMP). Program goals include establishing a method to identify and track families at risk of involvement with CPS due to substance use by the caregivers during pregnancy and/or a history of family violence and developing and delivering an early intervention peer-to-peer program for these families that is tailored to the Apache culture, community-based and strength-focused. Parent education, support and outreach services will be provided to pregnant mothers and their families referred to the ChAMP program through the San Carlos Apache Tribe (SCAT) healthcare corporation or via the Tribal Court for tribal members with family violence cases that have children in the home.


Location: Prince of Wales Island, AK
Contact: Tiffany Mills
(907) 826-2581

Helping Ourselves Prevent Emergencies (HOPE) will strengthen families and continue building protective factors and increase family safety in tribal communities. Programming will increase understanding, appreciation, knowledge of tribal traditions and culture to combat child abuse and neglect more effectively in tribal communities. HOPE will enhance its services by providing two new culturally appropriate parent education curriculums for tribal families Motherhood is Sacred, Fatherhood is Sacred and the Positive Indian Parenting curricula (NICWA). HOPE will provide home visitation, case plan support, and opportunities to build social connections in the Prince of Wales community.

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