What does FRIENDS stand for?
FRIENDS is an acronym for Family Resource Information, Education, and Network Development Service.

What is FRIENDS National Center for Community-Based Child Abuse Prevention (CBCAP)?
FRIENDS National Center for Community-Based Child Abuse Prevention (CBCAP) is a service of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Children’s Bureau. We are a federally mandated Training and Technical Assistance Provider for CBCAP lead agencies.
How is FRIENDS National Center for CBCAP funded?
FRIENDS National Center for CBCAP (FRIENDS) is funded under a cooperative agreement with the Children’s Bureau to provide training and technical assistance to designated CBCAP Lead Agencies and Set-Aside Grantees. For more information about the Children’s Bureau, please visit https://www.acf.hhs.gov/cb.
What is FRIENDS?
We are a program of Families & Communities Rising, Inc. in Durham, North Carolina. We provide our service through a coordinated effort with other national organizations and initiatives with the aim of preventing child abuse and neglect and supporting families. Our network of partners and consultants allows us to offer cutting edge services from leaders in the prevention field.
What does FRIENDS provide?
FRIENDS provides services to the CBCAP community through targeted training and technical assistance efforts. These efforts include an annual grantee meeting, regional training, and individualized on-site training on request from CBCAP lead agencies. FRIENDS Technical Assistance Coordinators work with lead agencies to build a plan for capacity building in order to better meet the requirements of Title II of the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act as Amended in 2003 (CAPTA). For more information about our services, please visit the FRIENDS Services section of our web site.